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All content contained within this portfolio, including but not limited to brand logos, trademarks, and proprietary material owned by third-party companies, is the intellectual property of their respective owners.

The portfolio is provided solely for the purpose of showcasing the professional work and collaborations of Felicia May Hekneby. It is not intended for public use, distribution, or sharing without explicit permission from the copyright owner, Felicia May Hekneby.

By downloading or accessing this portfolio, you agree to adhere to the following terms:
  1. Non-Public Use: The content within this portfolio is not for public use or dissemination. It is intended solely for personal reference and professional showcase purposes.
  2. No Redistribution: You are prohibited from sharing, distributing, or otherwise disseminating the contents of this portfolio to others, including friends, colleagues, or on any public platforms, without prior written consent from Felicia May Hekneby.
  3. Respect for Brand Ownership: Any use of brand logos, trademarks, or proprietary material within this portfolio is done so with respect to the ownership rights of the respective companies. No ownership or endorsement of these brands is implied.
  4. Unauthorized Use: Any unauthorized use, reproduction, or distribution of the content within this portfolio may result in legal action as permitted by applicable copyright laws.
  5. Permission Requests: For any inquiries regarding the use or sharing of content from this portfolio, please contact Felicia May Hekneby for permission.

Your compliance with these terms is appreciated. Thank you for respecting the intellectual property rights of all involved parties.

© 2024 Felicia May Hekneby. All Rights Reserved.

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